Sunday, May 2, 2010

Crysis Wars Environment

TIME: 00:00 - front view dispalying structure (includes labs on either end and meeting point)
The combination of Darwin's exploration of the 'Origin of the Species' and Hawking's attention aimed at the universe is evident in the position of the labs; Darwin's lower, connected to the land and Hawking's higher, revealing a relationship with the universe.

TIME: 6:00am - side view of the structure demonstrating its relationship to the landform and the textures

TIME: 10:00am -birds eye view showing the structure within the landform
The landform suggests the studies being undertaken in correspondance with all the geographical and geological studies being taken. The location being on the peak of the landscape epitomises the breaking points at which both these scientists have come to with their ideas.

TIME: 10:00am - image clearly depicting the 3 different textures.

TIME: 22:00 - image clearly showing the pathways that lead to the meeting point and its relationship to the structure
The meeting point and the structure are located fairly high to make a connection between our understanding of the universe by being able to visualise the surrounding below and above since we are "on a minor planet of a very average star."

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